school group.

Help Admin.

Students will get basic needs like transportation, books, supplies, and other needed items. 

Helping ADMIN maintains the organization's website, marketing, training, and office expenses, and other related expenses is a gift of grace.  Our administrative team works hard to keep the site up to date, filtering new recruits, and vetting volunteers.

We strive to keeps costs down, however, it is hard with a new nonprofit because of the attorney, accounting, and other professional fees.  The ADMIN fund is a fund that supports what we do in the background.  Yes, it is part of the 501(c)3 corporation and is tax-deductible.

Admin Meeting NSP- Provide an education to gain self- sufficiency." -

We want to keep the two funds separate so all of the donor funds go 100% to the needy teens.  The ADMIN fund is our way of trying to separate them.

Please consider donating to the Admin side to keep the organization and benefits going.  Please place any amount for your monthly giving.

Your monthly donation supports the Administrative needs necessary for educational success.